Róna Dániel blogja

ENGLISH: Introduction

2017. március 06. 15:50 - RónaDániel

Dániel Róna (1984) political analyst

Dániel Róna graduated in 2008 and completed his PhD in 2014 at Corvinus University of Budapest. He wrote his dissertation about the European far-right parties and, in particular, about Jobbik. He published his work as a book having won the book-award of the Hungarian Academy of Science. His special field of interest is public opinion polling, electoral politics and political sociology.

He worked at the Hungarian Election Study (HES) in 2009, and at the Budapest Public Policy Research Institute between 2010 and 2012. Between 2016 and March 2019  he had been the research director of the Jewish organization Action and Protection Foundation. He has had several joint projects and publication with the Medián polling company regarding migration, anti-Semitism and other xenophobic attitudes. He is a member of the Active Youth research Group which conducted three surveys among the political preferences of the Hungarian university and college students.

Dániel Róna worked for the party “Dialogue for Hungary” during the 2014 national election campaign. He worked for László Botka, mayor of Szeged, the candidate for Prime Minister of the Socialist Party at August and September, 2017. As a pollster and advisor, he also worked for Gergely Karácsony (Lord Mayor of Budapest) during the 2019 local election campaign. Dániel have worked for Momentum party since 2018.

As an Assistant Professor, Dániel Róna teaches courses at Corvinus University of Budapest. He studied at the Erasmus University of Rotterdam as an Erasmus exchange student. He participated at three methodological summer school (organized by the ECPR at Ljubjana in 2009 and 2010 and by the UPF RECSM in Barcelona in 2012). In 2013 he won the Sasakawa Young Leaders Fellowship grant. He was a guest lecturer at the University College London in February 2016.

In 2017 Dániel Róna won a three-years Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences: he will research the political socialization of the Hungarian youth. He also won the Hungarian Fulbright-scholarship: in Fall 2018 he was a visiting researcher at the University of Berkeley, California.


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